Brown Butter & Melted Anchovies


Did someone say brown butter & melted anchovies?? 

We love incorporating canned fish or conservas into dishes to add both depth and salinity.  Here we use our Bahia de la Concha’s brown anchovies (which are hands down the best we’ve ever tasted) and melt them into some garlicky brown butter to saute our vibrant Carlton greens with. It can be served as a super simple side dish but goes equally well with a protein served on top or as part of a grain bowl. It also happens to be one of the best-smelling dishes possibly ever made… 

Beware though...with a recipe this simple the quality of ingredients you use matters the most. Quality is critical.



  • 4 tablespoons butter

  • 6–8 brown anchovy filets

  • 3–4 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced

  • 2 bags of ‘Carlton’ komatsuna greens, chopped into 1–2 inch strands...stems included!

  • A lemon or dash of really good
    sherry vinegar

  • Kosher salt

  • Chili flake…if desired

Brown Butter & Melted Anchovies

Serves 2–4

  1. In a saute pan over medium heat melt the butter.

  2. Add the anchovies and sliced garlic.

  3. Saute and swirl around in the pan breaking up the anchovies a bit with tongs.

  4. Inhale smell ever right? OK. Do this until the butter has browned, about 2–3 minutes.

  5. Add your clean chopped greens to the pan and a dash of sherry vinegar or squeeze of lemon.

  6. Season with a bit of salt and a pinch of chili if desired.

  7. Cook until just barely wilted.

  8. Taste, adjust seasoning if needed, and serve right away.

RecipeEmma Hearst